Friday, November 30, 2012

Far Cry 3

Some early thoughts. Probably going to review it, just need to make some time and get some inspiration. The game is amazing so far. I've been playing it for about 10 hours and have explored maybe a sixth of the island, and barely scratched the campaign.

The campaign isn't as good as I thought it'd be story wise, but it really shines during some missions. The gameplay is extremely well polished, it's just flat out fun hunting animals and killing pirates. I've actually chosen to travel on foot over car sometimes so I can hunt animals and kill pirates along the way. And unlike say, Skyrim, I don't use the fast travel the moment I get a new quest. Even if the new quest is right next to a travel point, I usually choose to travel there just because exploring is so much fun.

Although the game is shaping out to be a 9/10 or possibly a 10/10, I do have a lot of complaints, though all of them fairly minor.

-The controls are disturbingly poor sometimes. Why Ubisoft has issues with climbing in games I'll never know. I've fallen off radio towers and missed out on looting at least a dozen bandits because of the silly hold E thing they have.

-The UI is a little ugly. It's large and close to the center of the screen. And there's no in game map anymore. The game is less immersive than Far Cry 2 sadly. But that's a tough game to top UI wise. At least it's better than Skyrim's.

-The voice acting is hit and miss. The main character personally annoys me.

-Hunting is frustrating sometimes. It's annoying looking everywhere for an animal to hunt for a new holster. At least they let you carry 4 guns instead of the 2 guns thing games seem to embrace today.

-Some performance issues. I can run the game on medium/high settings okay, still a few FPS drops.

-Needs moar Vaas

-Hunting missions require you to use a specific gun for them. It's just a minor annoyance and they usually give you a good gun but come on.. I want to use the new AK-47 I just got, why are you making me use a shotgun?

-Check points can be frustrating

Oh, and black ops 2 will still be coming. Just waiting for a patch to fix my performance issues.

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